Saturday, October 31, 2009
Time Change

Happy Halloween

One small note: My son this year will be collecting for UNICEF. If you do not know what it is
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I need your Help!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Health Care Reform--Mountain Astrologer.com

“During this part of the year when both Jupiter and Neptune are retrograde,
one sees much misinformation being spread about proposed health insurance
reforms by small-minded and self-serving politicians. After Jupiter and Neptune
station direct on October 12 and November 4, respectively, the health care
reform legislation will evolve into its final framework and be passed by both
Houses of Congress and signed into law by the President before December
December 21st is the date of the third and final alignment of Jupiter
and Neptune this year. With Jupiter in stationary conjunction with President
Obama’s natal Ascendant from September 8th until November 16th, he is on the
right side of this legislative fight to reform the health insurance companies.
One should not be surprised if the “public option” of federal health insurance
plans designed to compete with the private sector insurance plans makes its way
into the final legislation signed into law in December
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A rather big Week.....to build upon relationships

Like I have previously discussed, I don't usually bog you guys down with moon aspects since there are so many websites that discuss daily lunar connections. But I will say that on Tuesday, October 27 at 2:40am the Moon conjuncts Jupiter (big thoughts and generous spirit) and later (3:10pm) Moon conjuncts Neptune (big compassion and spiritual matters). All in all Tuesday will have a bigness to it which is then followed by
Wednesday October 28
Mercury Moves into Scorpio (6:08am EDT)
Venus Trine Jupiter (10:02 pm EDT)
Mercury Sextile Pluto (11:53pm EDT)
Our mental abilities sharpen and deepen (Mercury in Scorp). We move into a period of time where our conversations are more penetrating. We will spend the next couple of weeks getting on top of some of our financial issues and sex issues. Any tax issues can be addressed. We are way more precise in our handling of issues than we were in the last month or so. We are in the Libra Lunar cycle so these discussions and thoughts will definitely help our relationships.
We also tap our abundance (Venus/Jupiter) and expand our resources and access loving situations easier. Even if it is not the person we want the love we still find the love somewhere. A good affirmation for this aspect would be: "I am happy and grateful that I find good every day". Try writing that down for the week and see what it does for you.
And then Mercury Pluto brings those penetrating thoughts to your place in society. How are you in the world? What do you bring to the party which is greater than family? If you don't feel you bring anything, then use this aspect to heal the part that feels you having nothing to give the world. You are incorrect by the way. See if someone points it out to you today or this week. And remember you are bigger than your place in the family.
If you did not read my Libra New Moon back on October 18 HERE--- let me reiterate this point about Saturn.
“You hoo, anyone home? It’s Saturn?”
Probably more this lunar cycle than any other Libra cycle we are going to really ‘get’ it that our relationships need some work. And I’m not only talking about husbands and wives. Yes, they count but it is relating in general that needs
work. Do you listen to people or do you not hear them because you
have already moved on to what you are going to say next? Is that relating
or is that an audience? How do you share? How are you
superficial (the low side of Libra)? How do you work in
relationship? Do you do all the work hoping to please your partner?
How is that working for you? (Tell the truth). Do you show up and
give it your all or are you a ‘tit for tat’ person? Why am I asking these
questions? Because on October 29, Saturn is going to move into Libra. For
the last two years Saturn has been in Virgo and I have been asking you to clean
up your diet and get your schedule and your calendars together-- basically I
have pushed you to get your Virgo together. Now, Saturn is leaving
Virgo and moving into Libra where it will be overhauling relationships,
partnerships and relating in general. The last time Saturn was in
Libra was 1980-1982. Do you remember how you did relationships then?
I hope it has improved. If you are too young to have experienced
that one, you have between now and 2012 to work it out. In April
Saturn will retrograde back to Virgo so we can get one last pass at
cleaning our schedules, diet and health. But for right now we need to
bring out the broom and fix our partnerships and relationship
habits. Now, I have said this a jillion times and I’ll say it a
jillion more, I do not believe in accidents. Saturn’s move into Libra
could have happened at any time in the year. It could have happened on the
Taurus lunar cycle or the Aquarius Lunar cycle or the Sagittarius Lunar
cycle. But it is not happening then. Instead it is happening on the
Libra New Moon. To me this is beautiful. We are beginning the clean up
period of relationships in THE relationship lunar cycle. It is as if Spirit
wanted to help us shift our attention by highlighting it. Let’s face it,
if you are supposed to get a new hairdo-- wouldn’t the best time to think about
it be while you are at a Hair stylists convention? Bad ones, great ones, new
colors, new styles, extensions, hair gel, it will all be out there for you to
see as you assess your own hairdo. This is what is going to happen
when Saturn moves into Libra. We will be ten days into the Libra
lunar cycle when it hits. The convention of relationships will be in full
force when the harshest critic (Saturn) arrives. But remember, you
do not need to have everything fixed in twenty eight days. We have two
years. Saturn just wants to get your attention that is why he arrived now.
And for those of you who are not in relationship, you should be able to use
Saturn to your advantage and get serious about what you need to do to get one
going. Ask friends for set ups. Don’t be shy. That perfect
stranger sitting next to you at a party may be the next Mr Right or Ms
Right. Begin the work. Did I mention “work” is a Saturn word?
Sun sextile Pluto & Mercury Trine Neptune

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mercury Trine Jupiter

Before we get to Mercury---I would like to check in and make sure you have read my complete New Moon report (see link here). I'm not doing this out of ego..'hey look at me'...I really want to see you work the lunar phases. Once you get this groove (and it is simple) you will see how in sync you can get your life. Additionally, this lunar phase has got a lot of important energy. We have a strong Neptune influence, Saturn changes sign and then will get into it with Pluto on October 29 plus we have a relationship with Chiron. There can be important shifts that might feel yucky but under it all is a great healing. Because of my nature I like to get to the Healing as quickly as possible and not hang out in the yuck. I want that for you, too!
So how are you doing so far on this New Moon? Out of curiosity are you feeling the spiritual angle of this moon yet? Are you wondering about your relationship with God? Are you questioning it? Or have you seen something come into view that can only be explained by a Higher Source? What has come up in the last three days? And if it hasn't don't worry the lunar phase is young.
Now about Mercury. Mercury trines Jupiter at 5:49pm but one hour earlier the Moon will have moved into Sagittarius (the ruling sign of Jupiter). Mercury rules our brains and the way we think and those darn words that come out of our mouth. Jupiter is our biggest planet. It is huge. We can get a whole bunch of Earths inside Jove. When Mercury and Jupiter get together even under a favorable aspect we can get a big mouth. So you may want to watch your words. But more importantly watch your brain for some goodies. If you get a great idea about something, go for it! If you get a phone call from someone helpful--go for it! If you get a piece of faith --go for it! Remember, there is a healing taking place this cycle that impacts our relationships so when we get a good aspect like this one---go for it!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Libra New Moon 2009--The business of relating

Balancing on the thin edge of a new
During Libra we seek balance. We want to rest
for a minute and let someone else pick up the ball. We want to share our
world and we want others to share their world. It is not a greedy sign,
but it does seek “fairness”. If Libra feels it is giving and giving it
will get resentful. It is not a martyr but it can get trapped sometimes in
a role. And when a Libra feels trapped they will compare themselves to others
over and over again. This is partly motivated by perceived ‘weakness’ but
in truth Libra is hunting for balance. They like to see how others do
things. Go to dinner with a Libra you will find them talking a great deal
about how others “do” relationship. At first glance it might seem like
gossip --but it really isn’t. They share the stories more like a botanist
shares research of a new species of rose. “That couple does this, that guy
does that, that gal does this.” Which really to them is --- “Isn’t that
interesting? I can’t do it that way but they can.” Of
course, the unspoken thought is, “What would it be like if I did do it that
On this lunar cycle you will find yourself
synthesizing a lot of information. You will see others in a different
light. Not a bad light, just a different light. Perhaps a light will
turn on that has not been turned on ever. We will all be researching the
fine art of ‘relating’.
During this twenty eight day cycle we will
find ourselves seeking balance. We will look carefully at our lives and if we
are giving way too much in one area we may find ourselves pulling back. It
is not so much of a retreat as giving others the opportunity to ‘step up” and do
some of the work. Of course, it would behoove us to avoid going into
a place of resentment. Also what if there is an area where we have
been lazy and not pulling our share? Prepare to get BUSTED. Afteral,
it is all fair on Libra lunar cycle.
“You hoo, anyone
home? It’s Saturn?”
Probably more this lunar cycle than any
other Libra cycle we are going to really ‘get’ it that our relationships need
some work. And I’m not only talking about husbands and wives. Yes, they
count but it is relating in general that needs work. Do you listen
to people or do you not hear them because you have already moved on to what you
are going to say next? Is that relating or is that an
audience? How do you share? How are you superficial (the
low side of Libra)? How do you work in relationship? Do you do all
the work hoping to please your partner? How is that working for you?
(Tell the truth). Do you show up and give it your all or are you a ‘tit
for tat’ person? Why am I asking these questions? Because on October 29,
Saturn is going to move into Libra. For the last two years Saturn has been
in Virgo and I have been asking you to clean up your diet and get your schedule
and your calendars together-- basically I have pushed you to get your Virgo
together. Now, Saturn is leaving Virgo and moving into Libra where
it will be overhauling relationships, partnerships and relating in
general. The last time Saturn was in Libra was 1980-1982. Do
you remember how you did relationships then? I hope it has
improved. If you are too young to have experienced that one, you have
between now and 2012 to work it out. In April Saturn will
retrograde back to Virgo so we can get one last pass at cleaning our schedules,
diet and health. But for right now we need to bring out the broom and fix
our partnerships and relationship habits. Now, I have said this a
jillion times and I’ll say it a jillion more, I do not believe in
accidents. Saturn’s move into Libra could have happened at any time in the
year. It could have happened on the Taurus lunar cycle or the Aquarius
Lunar cycle or the Sagittarius Lunar cycle. But it is not happening
then. Instead it is happening on the Libra New Moon. To me this is
beautiful. We are beginning the clean up period of relationships in THE
relationship lunar cycle. It is as if Spirit wanted to help us shift our
attention by highlighting it. Let’s face it, if you are supposed to get a
new hairdo-- wouldn’t the best time to think about it be while you are at a Hair
stylists convention? Bad ones, great ones, new colors, new styles, extensions,
hair gel, it will all be out there for you to see as you assess your own
hairdo. This is what is going to happen when Saturn moves into
Libra. We will be ten days into the Libra lunar cycle when it
hits. The convention of relationships will be in full force when the
harshest critic (Saturn) arrives. But remember, you do not need to
have everything fixed in twenty eight days. We have two years.
Saturn just wants to get your attention that is why he arrived now. And
for those of you who are not in relationship, you should be able to use Saturn
to your advantage and get serious about what you need to do to get one
going. Ask friends for set ups. Don’t be shy. That perfect
stranger sitting next to you at a party may be the next Mr Right or Ms
Right. Begin the work. Did I mention “work” is a Saturn word?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Up, Up and Away

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sun Trine Neptune
While mutual reception is taking place the two energies are mingled. Think of two streams coming together to make a river. This co-mingled energy has been taking place since 2003 and will continue until 2012 however starting next Spring Uranus will step into Aries for a brief time disconnecting the river. The next trine between the Sun and Neptune will happen next summer and at that time it will not be influenced by Uranus. So, what ever message we get from The Sun to Neptune this week will be the last one under co-mingled influence for a long time (one will happen when Uranus retrogrades back into Pisces). I have said a long time that this co mingled energy reminds me of a famous quote "Comfort the Disturb, Disturb the Comforted." Watch and see if this Trine from the Sun coaxes you to do either.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ray Merriman
Ray generates a column every week. I would encourage you guys to check him out. There is a lot of wisdom for all of us to ponder.
here is a snippet from this week's report:
Last week I discussed potential political themes related to the 16-year transit of Pluto through Capricorn (2008-2014). There are also monetary and economic themes related to this passage. Let’s start with the idea that Pluto rules taxes, as proposed several times in this column as a major theme of the 32-27 year Saturn-Pluto cycle. With the waning square of these two planets fast approaching November 15 (and lasting approximately 9 months), the issue of taxes and their possible consequences on the economy will likely be a very sensitive topic. As outlined before, the entire waning phase of this cycle (opposition to conjunction, 2001-2020) is likely to see greater government spending, increased government and individual debt, increased budget deficits, higher taxes, and a stagnant economy that will see deeper and deeper recessions that are longer and longer lasting. The waning square between Saturn and Pluto is the midpoint of this down cycle, which means either 1) it is the bottom of the cycle or 2) possibly the major change within the cycle that will accelerate its economic down phase until it ends in 10 years.
Venus Square Pluto
If there is a dark energy in your soul this week you can blame Pluto and Venus. Things that have always had our passion and desire may feel 'off' this week. You normally love getting coffee with that certain friend every Thursday but this week you ask yourself, "Why do we always get together?" Or your partner just bugs the crap out of you. Or you look at your bank account and you say, "how the 'eff did my money get so low?" This is Pluto Square Venus. Of course, your jealousy could come up in big throes. "How come SHE always has the fun friends to hang out with?" "How come they have so much money?" "Who is emailing my husband/wife?"
The good news is that this energy is fast moving. It will be out of effect within a few days but there is more to this picture than you or I getting annoyed with our spouse. It really answers a bigger question. "What are my values and how is my life not reflecting those values?"
This happens twice a year (more if there is a retrograde) and the last time these two got together was May 2nd. At that time Venus was in Aries and the energy was circling around our need for independence versus status quo. You may want to go back to your calendar and see where you were wanting freedom. This time Venus is in Libra which puts the focus on the other guy--our relationships. So, naturally we think our problems are because of 'others'. Perhaps that is true. But perhaps it is more about how we 'relate' to that other guy that is the problem.
Like I said it does not last forever but if you can use this as a learning experience you will be making the most of the aspect. What changes can you make in your life that improve your relationships? Do it now.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Venus Conjunct Saturn
About once a year ( unless a retrograde is in effect) Venus conjuncts Saturn. This is one of those weird aspects. Weird because we love Venus. She is all about love, money, joy, resources....she is that fabulous dessert at the end of a great meal. Saturn is about structure, order, work, responsibility, duty and dad. "I'll have a slice of that raspberry pie, please" says, Venus. "No, you won't" says Saturn. At first blush it looks like Saturn is a big ass pain in the ass---BUT, perhaps we don't need that slice a pie. Perhaps we need to go on a budget. Perhaps we need to focus our energies and resources and not fritter it all away. There is a natural tightening of the belt with this aspect. We need to focus on a higher quality and good guidance. (side discussion, I would expect a downward turn on Wall Street today)
Depending on where 29 degrees Virgo lies in your chart will show where this tightening is taking effect. Although, to be honest, this aspect is so strong (in my opinion) even if you do not know your chart you are feeling this aspect. When you went to bed last night you felt it and when you woke up this morning you felt it.
So, what should you do? Give Saturn what it wants. Tighten up. Get some structure, scrutinize that area of your life. Don't beat yourself up, just "Dad up". Venus will thank you for it later.
And remember this aspect only lasts a couple of days. No need to get all moppy about it just do the work and it will pass and you will have gotten the reward of it. Remember, Saturn delays he does not deny! He just needs you to grow up.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Jupiter Turns Direct

Once Jupiter turns direct it will be heading for a throw down with the other two planets so be looking for something to catch all of our attention after October 13th. As is often the case we may have an opportunity to learn from others' mistakes—so something in the public will probably be an eye-catching event. And of course, we may step on our own egos by overreaching and causing some upset. Remember to think of the group before you go too far and you should be in good shape. And yeah, I know it is hard but for gawdsakes you have been doing it all year so you should know it now better than ever. Groups count.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Letterman, Jon & Kate( + Hate) & MacKenzie Phillips

I said it then and I will say it again. There are two points in astrology called the North Node and The South Node and as their name implies they are opposite each other. Think of them as a teeter totter. The nodes move at a slow pace and stay in a sign for about about a year and a half. But when they shift we feel different about stuff. It starts off subtle but then it grows and grows and like clothes that no longer fit, things don't feel right.
For example, when the north node moved into Aquarius and the south node moved into Leo back in December 2007 we began a cycle where the emphasis moved to groups of like minded people finding each other and being focused on causes "greater than themselves." As you can imagine this is why grassroots roots campaigns gained tremendous support in 2008. It of course, worked out well for the Obama campaign but in truth the other candidates also benefited since the people were itching to be with their grass root gang. It was a highly spirited 2008 because of that Aquarius energy.
But what about Leo? South node is where we are way too comfortable, we are so used to something a certain way that it is too cozy and this is when we step on our own johnson (even if we don't have one). Leo when it is bad is all about EGO. And saying that, perhaps the biggest problem for Hillary Clinton was the overall cloud that she felt she deserved the nomination. Her ego was too in the mix. I'm not saying this was true for her but it was a feeling that was lobbed about by many pundits and man on the streets. And if it was not something she actually felt it sort of didn't matter-- we had an antenna up for South Node in Leo behaviors. If you felt you were better than anyone during that time, you turned off people. The arrogance of Leo rubbed people wrong.
Now the North Node is in Capricorn and it is asking people to be responsible, mature, conserve, be a boss. We respond to that energy. We rally around it. But at the same time we have an antenna up for anyone who is being the bad side of "south node in Cancer" which is too sensitive, too emotional, too familiar, too reactionary, too childish. When South Node in Cancer is in effect, it can be extremely uncomfortable to watch.
And here we are about two months into the 18 month process and we have had a ten day cycle of news makers that are .... Capricorn versus Cancer. Jon and Kate and all their money issues, and "check, check mate" moves against each other, MacKenzie Phillips graphic confessional about her sex life with her father and Dave Letterman and his confession to his studio audience and the world about his own peccadillo's has all come to light. Of the four , I would say that maybe Letterman expressed some North Node in Cap. Taking responsibility, stepping up and getting in front of the situation was probably the most Capricorn. The other ones feel south node in Cancer. Venting their spleen more than anything. All cancer-ish. However, having said that, I would say that Dave might be pushing it a bit. --I hope his apologies can end soon because it is a bit uncomfortable which is NOT Capricorn. Top Ten reasons to stop confessing.....#1, "It is so daytime."
How was YOUR weekend?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Aries Full Moon October 4 2:11 am EDT

October 4 2:11am EDT
With an Aries full moon we feel a balancing act between “me, me, me, me…” versus, “we, we, we, we” The Libra sun asks us to look at our partners and partnerships. And the Aries moon simply doesn’t give an ‘eff about our relationships and rather is saying, “yeah, but what about me?!” Of course the rub is, both are right.
Along with the Sun and the Moon in opposition we have got a fantastic trine between Mars and Uranus (exact at 9:37pm) which will add some fire to the Aries Moon. Like two buddies in school, when one of them gets a good joke going in class the other one swells up as if, “Hey that is my friend, I’m cool too.” Mars rules Aries and he is getting Uranus to go along with him and break new ground and liberate, this is music to Moon in Aries ears. There could be some mouthing off and a be a general investigating of “what if?” The overall feeling is “Hey, I want something new.” This influence will be felt for the whole three days of Full Moon.
Additionally, Mercury begins the day in a beautiful sextile to Mars. We will be talking and thinking about how we can get our life to someplace new. But by the middle of the day Mercury will get an annoying aspect from Neptune that will cloud the energy and then by the late afternoon (5:06pm) Mercury will oppose Uranus. This could be too much of a good thing. Watch those emails. You may want to send an email carving someone a new youKnowWhat but please—wait. Wait three days before sending it. I get that you want something new, you want to shake stuff up, that you need new ground. But you don’t need to be sloppy.
Also, The Sun in Libra is making a Trine with Jupiter in Aquarius. This happens twice a year but this one has a wee bit more of my attention because Jupiter will be turning direct later this week and getting this nice push from the Sun might be the exact energy we need as we continue to process out the major conjunction of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron (See here). What does that mean exactly? We have been under this influence most of the year. It is the part of us that has been searching for our tribe. That itch in us to find where we belong has been great. We want to work with our tribe. We want to live with our tribe. We want to do good for the community with our tribe. It has been palpable.
It is interesting that this push from Mars, Mercury, Uranus and the Moon in Aries may be part and parcel of the shifts we know we need to make and may actually get realized between now and the end of the year.
It should be a very interesting Full Moon.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sparks in the Air